Sunday, January 18, 2009

Olive Me Loves Olive You

Somebody once told me the best relationships follow the "olive and pickle rule", that is one person loves them, the other hates them. This rule makes dining out easy - the person who dislikes them throws them at the person who loves them, and they dine in perfect harmony (at least in terms of brined food).

I have been known to buy olives, and eat them out of the jar for dinner --Oh the things that were so much easier before marriage. Recently, I discovered Divina Olives stuffed with Sun Dried Tomatoes. Packed in olive oil, these olives are delicious by themselves or with aged cheese and crusty bread.

...And with all of this comes a confessions. As much as I would like to pretend this was not the case, one of my biggest vices is canned black olives. I know, I need help.

1 comment:

  1. Those olives look delicious! I buy olives and incorporate them with most of my meals!
